This forum is for sharing information about SiTCP. Please do not hesitate to post any questions, comments or answers within the scope of this purpose.
This forum is for sharing information about SiTCP. Please do not hesitate to post any questions, comments or answers within the scope of this purpose.
Can't receive data through SiTCP Utility
I am currently connecting the SiTCP to a Linux PC directly with a LAN cable.
I followed the steps on the quick start guide setting the IP address of the LAN connection with the SiTCP to and the subnet mask
I can check the connection to SiTCP on the general tab in Utility software. Also the UDP connection on the control(UDP) tab seems to be fine.
However, when I try to recieve dialog on Data(TCP) tab, I get a blank page...
Am i missing a step somewhere?
Hi Riki,
I'll also try to verify the Linux version of SiTCP Utility tonight.
I'm going to try this one on a PC (UBUNTU20.04LTS, I think) and SOY2.
SOY2, in demo mode, will count up the data of an 8-bit counter while establishing a connection with a client.
This feature makes it easy to confirm TCP reception.
What environment are you testing in?
Please tell us the OS version of your PC and the name of the board you are connecting to.
Also, have you confirmed that the board you are connecting to is transmitting over TCP using anything other than the SiTCP utility?
Hi Chappy,
Thanks for your comment, I am using windows 10 PC now and the board i'm using is ADC-SiTCP V1.
I was able to get some data through TCP connection via Utility. But now I am stuck on understanding the library.
Hi Riki,
That's good. It looks like your mission has progressed a bit.
By the way, I tried the Linux version of SiTCP Utility (ver. 0.7.4) on UBUNTU18.04.

After installation, it didn't start well with a library dependency error at the first startup, but
I was able to install libpng and start it successfully.
All functions worked fine on both the general and data tabs, just like the Windows version.

What are the difficulties?
I'm sure someone other than me will be able to answer your question : )
Hi Chappy,

Thank you for everything so far. Your help has been amazing.
Is the RBCP(UDP) library the same as the one on the library manual?
I get these values and I can write into addresses that are written as READ-ONLY in the library manual.
Hi Riki,
I would like to ask a few questions.
What is the "RBCP(UDP) library" you are talking about?
What is "the library manual"?
Also, in the attached diagram, there is an error message that says "reading timed out".
What is the intent of the diagram you posted?